maanantai 28. huhtikuuta 2008
Sunset in Iraklion...
View from my hotel in Iraklion. Actually I also saw
sea from balcony but this was also kind of refreshing
view because this next building was a squat!!
Port of Iraklion. Locals said that Iraklio is a city that has turned
its back to sea. you can see!! No beaches here. But for a finnlander who hasn't
travelled much this was quite exotic anyhow.
I met also some local students. Thanks for Raki and GOOD company,
Jim, Bembo, Panos, Toni, Marlena, Stelios and rest!! I most certainly
will be back at Crete!
Oh yes!! (I didn't do this!!)
I guess these were death-notices they put in lamp-posts.
I wonder what killed this guy...
There were lots of cretans in Iraklion since it
was eastern. But very few tourists. And in this
one week only finnish people I saw were in aeroplane.
Great succeeeesss!!!
On second day I went to Knossos. Somehow present
was (and IS) much more interesting than past. I can visit
Archeological museum next time. But it was interesting
to find out that archeologists and historians really don't
know so much about minoan culture. So I can "invent" all
ancient mysteries I need!!
Soon I left Iraklion for Plakias. This was
from Rethymno where I changed bus. Too much
tourist hassle there for me!!
Bus trip to Plakias was really green.
I put a very peaceful video of this to youtube:
Going Up Plakias Yes Yes
I got of the bus and found paradise!
Plakias Youth Hostel.
Going to One Rock Beach..
I was only seven days at Crete but somehow
I found my second home there. Especially in Plakias.
So I have to organize my life so I can get there
on springs and autumns. So different mentality than
here in Finland...
In past women used to pour Raki for men in these troughs...
On a way to mountains...
And there were quite many of them!!
Looking towards Africa...
...and finally back to stressfull urban
city-life here in Helsinki, Finland.
(Damn, I really should have stayed longer in Plakias!!)
sunnuntai 13. huhtikuuta 2008
Vein kaksi täplä-maalaustani Rikhardinkadun
taidelainaamoon (Helsinkiin). Saa nähdä käykö kala
Katsoin Adam Curtiksen neliosaisen dokumentin
"Century of the Self" joka on konsumerismin historiikki.
Kuinka markkinamiehet ottivat käyttöön Freudin
analyysin ja kuinka politiikot ottivat samat käytännöt
mukaan leikkiinsä. Massoja hallitaan täyttämällä
niiden oraaliset ja anaaliset mielihalut.
Liian rankkaa matskua suomen televisioon. Täällähän
on vasta päästy mälläämään yksilöllisellä kuluttamisella.
Voi dokata siideriä, kaljaa tai fisushotteja. Valinta tekee
minusta persoonan. Krapulaisen persoonan.
"Pindia", akryyli, 30*40 cm, 2005
"Nexico", akryyli, 50*40 cm, 2005
taidelainaamoon (Helsinkiin). Saa nähdä käykö kala
Katsoin Adam Curtiksen neliosaisen dokumentin
"Century of the Self" joka on konsumerismin historiikki.
Kuinka markkinamiehet ottivat käyttöön Freudin
analyysin ja kuinka politiikot ottivat samat käytännöt
mukaan leikkiinsä. Massoja hallitaan täyttämällä
niiden oraaliset ja anaaliset mielihalut.
Liian rankkaa matskua suomen televisioon. Täällähän
on vasta päästy mälläämään yksilöllisellä kuluttamisella.
Voi dokata siideriä, kaljaa tai fisushotteja. Valinta tekee
minusta persoonan. Krapulaisen persoonan.
"Pindia", akryyli, 30*40 cm, 2005
"Nexico", akryyli, 50*40 cm, 2005
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