I participated in Pieksämäki Young
Artists 2nd Triennale which takes place
2.10-2.11.2008 in the middle of Finland.
That is in "savo" and place is culture-
center Poleeni:
I experienced jet-lag first time in
my life since all other artists woke
up so early to install their work.
So by measuring time-difference I
could have visited New York...
I spent my first 18 years in Pieksämäki
and trip was great for me since I hadn't visited
there for 10 years...
Above rules Jari Asikainen who organized
this exhibition. He was also in charge of
ordering food to the openings:
...and he also invited Sir mr Taf
to perform on the occasion:
(Behind you can see another one of my new
paintings which were finished just for
this exhibition... I'll put pictures of
them soon to my webpages!)
They also had some cover of the
exhibition in Savon Sanomat and
Länsi Savo.
Newspapers didn't mention dogs:
tiistai 28. lokakuuta 2008
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