sunnuntai 27. joulukuuta 2015


One of my paintings from "Dotties"-series
was used as a cover of Teho Majamäki's first solo album, "Travelogue":

Album's graphic design was done by Jussi Karjalainen. He also constructed beautiful world map for inside covers from one other painting. And on live-shows they'll be using these "dotties" as visuals!!

This autumn and winter have been quite artistic for me and lots of new paintings are materialized. Here's just a glimpse from one of them:

"200 Years Ago" (acrylics on canvas, 2015)

maanantai 2. marraskuuta 2015

torstai 22. lokakuuta 2015

Tänään kuin eilen (Today as Yesterday)

As it happens, the thing with exhibition in local bar went on and on and on...

...on and on... on.. and on..:

...and hey, this is painting
from my older good-time-period:

I will not have any opinions!

perjantai 9. lokakuuta 2015

perjantai 28. elokuuta 2015

Proge-Forest EXTENDED!

Proge-Forest-exhibition at Pub Daire
continues until 14.9.!!!
Address is Koroistentie 8, Helsinki
(Ruskeasuo, nearby Mannerheimintie and tram nr.10)

Here's two photos of wall of works:

Also here's some more detailed photos
of works included:

"Narahdus aamussa"
("A Creak in the Morning")
acrylics on canvas, 2015

(Haltiala is biggest forest-area in Helsinki)
Ink on paper, framed, 2015

"300 vuotta sitten"
("300 Years Ago")
acrylics on canvas, 2015

"Bunny Hill"
Ink on paper, framed, 2015

I'll post more photos
once exhibition is over.
(All works are on sale)

tiistai 21. heinäkuuta 2015


Collection of 12 paintings and drawings (framed) will be shown at restaurant Daire, in Ruskeasuo, Helsinki.

Exhibition has thematically similar content as my last April's "Back to Rokokoo"-exhibition.

perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2015

Back to Rokokoo-exhibition

At this moment I have very nice collection of my recent paintings and charcoal-drawings at Vallila's library at Helsinki. (Päijänteentie 5)

("Back to Rokokoo" - charcoal and acrylics on cardboard, 122*100 cm, 2015)

Exhibition is open 2.-30.4.2015:

mon-thu 9-20
fri 9-18
sat 10-16
(+on voting sundays:
12.4. 10-15
19.4. 9-20)

Also I have added some paintings
from the year 2014 to my webpages:

("Le Soleil Sinistre"
- acrylics and charcoal on canvas,
65*50cm, 2014)

sunnuntai 25. tammikuuta 2015


My most recent painting "Summertime"
(80*61 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2015)
will be shown at Taidelainaamo's 20th-year anniversary exhibition (4.-28.2.2015):

Here's also my three drawings which are available at Rikhardinkadun Taidelainaamo. They were started previous summer on beautiful seaside-locations here in Helsinki and were finished in this dull winter.




...actually I have lots more this stuff waiting to be finished.

torstai 1. tammikuuta 2015