At this moment I have very nice collection
of my recent paintings and charcoal-drawings
at Vallila's library at Helsinki. (Päijänteentie 5)
("Back to Rokokoo" - charcoal and acrylics on cardboard, 122*100 cm, 2015)
Exhibition is open 2.-30.4.2015:
mon-thu 9-20
fri 9-18
sat 10-16
(+on voting sundays:
12.4. 10-15
19.4. 9-20)
Also I have added some paintings
from the year 2014
to my webpages:
("Le Soleil Sinistre"
- acrylics and charcoal on canvas,
65*50cm, 2014)
perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2015
Back to Rokokoo-exhibition
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