After Summer of Delirium I've been painting these two replicas from my old painting called "Den Spännande Stunden" (The Magic Moment, acrylic, 100*81 cm, 2017)). They are on their way to Kaarina-talo, which is new library/culture-house in Kaarina near Turku, Finland.
Paintings are in a joint-exhibition (first exhibition in the new building) where Finnish contemporary artists show their interpretations of Tom of Finland's work and subjects he dealt with.
Exhibition will be open when Kaarina-talo is finished and ready in the beginning of the year 2018.
More info coming...
"ILOISET MIEHET" on uuden Kaarina-talon ensimmäisen taidenäyttely, jossa suomalaiset nykytaiteilijat tekevät Tom of Finlandin työn innoittamia tulkintoja aiheesta. Näyttelyä pääsee katsomaan heti Kaarina-talon avauduttua ensi vuoden puolella. "